Hongsam Digital-2023 Comprehensive Quality Development Training of Workers Successfully Concluded
Oct 23,2023

In order to further improve the communication and collaboration skills among team members and enhance team cohesion and execution capabilities. From September 16th to 17th, Hongsam Digital production team organized a two-day development training event in the beautiful Muzhaling Scenic spot.

Through this training, the workers of Hongsam Digital Production Team not only gained happiness and friendship, but also enhanced mutual understanding and trust. They also learned a lot of practical knowledge and skills, and more importantly, enhanced their teamwork capabilities, improved execution and made everyone more deeply aware of the importance of teamwork and the value of execution. In the future, Hongsam Digital will provide customers with better products and services with more concentrated team strength and higher execution capabilities, and lead the development trend of the industry!

Let us review the wonderful moments of these two days:

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