Henan Venture Capital Co., Ltd. Officially Invested in Hongsam Shares
Dec 19,2023
July 29, 2010 was a sunny day. Hongsam Digital Park was full of joy. Henan Venture Capital Co., Ltd. and Zhengzhou Hongsam Digital Science and Technology Co., Ltd. formally signed an investment agreement.

Henan Venture Capital Co., Ltd. is a joint-stock venture capital company approved by the Henan Provincial People's Government. In line with the principle of "government guidance, commercial operation" and in accordance with the professional, regional and international fund management and development model, Henan Venture Capital Co., Ltd. actively introduced and drew on domestic and foreign venture capital operation experience and management technology to target entrepreneurial enterprises. Under different situations, learned and explored various investment operation modes.

Representatives of both parties: Zhao Zhiyong, chairman of Henan Venture Capital Co., Ltd., and Qin Guosheng, chairman of Zhengzhou Hongsam Digital Science and Technology Co., Ltd., signed the cooperation agreement and took a group photo.

The investment of Henan Venture Capital Co., Ltd. in Hongsam greatly promoted and encouraged Hongsam Digital’s determination and confidence to become bigger and stronger in the world’s inkjet industry, and injected strong support and motivation into the future development and growth of Hongsam Digital. Hongsam people are determined and confident, and will continue to work hard to reach new heights.

Zhengzhou Hongsam Digital Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

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