HONGSAM Printing Technology Exchange Forum Discussed the Future of Digital Printing
Jan 04,2024


"Digital technology led the future of printing - HONGSAM Printing Technology Exchange Forum" jointly organized by www.bisenet.com (A website about printing) and Zhengzhou Hongsam Digital Science and Technology Co., Ltd. grandly held on October 21, 2011 at the Hunan Building in Beijing, and more than 150 member units of the National Printing Standardization Technical Committee, printing offices of provincial (municipal) press and publication bureaus, print quality monitoring stations, printing associations, printing and packaging companies, printing raw and auxiliary material suppliers, and printing equipment suppliers inkjet consumables dealers and other companies from all over the country. The forum discussed the application of digital technology in the printing industry, showed the actual effects of HONGSAM digital printing solution and blue paper printing solution, and discussed the future of digital printing.

1. Forum Background
As the first step of the entire printing process, pre-press proofing plays an important role in subsequent sample calibration, production and processing, quality control, etc. The digitization of pre-press proofing has attracted the attention of many companies in the industry.
How to realize "green" and "low-cost" digital proofing, how to solve the problem of color chasing in digital proofing, and how to solve the technical difficulties in digital proofing are all issues that we need to solve urgently.

2. Highlights of the Forum
1. Demonstrated on-site printing solutions for printing coated paper, gold and silver cards, PVC, PE film and other media.
2. On-site demonstration of the blueprint proofing effect of the thermal foam printer for double-sided printing of offset paper, writing paper, etc.
3. On-site demonstration of coated paper printing solution with the sixth-generation piezoelectric nozzle.
4. On-site sharing and communication on how to solve the problem of "chasing color" in digital printing proofing.
5. Discussed the application and prospects of inkjet technology in the printing industry with domestic printing plants.
6. Domestic experts, scholars and engineers in printing industry shared inkjet technology and application solutions.

3. Forum Information
Organizer: Beijing Bisheng Printing Network & Zhengzhou Hongsam Digital Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
Supporting unit: Canon China CGS
Media support: China Inkjet Network
Meeting location: Beijing Hunan Building (No. 9, Beijing Station Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing)
Meeting time: October 21, 9:30-17:00
Participating units:
Member units of the National Printing Standardization Technical Committee, printing offices of provincial (municipal) press and publication bureaus, print quality monitoring stations, printing associations, printing and packaging companies, printing raw and auxiliary material suppliers, printing equipment suppliers, inkjet consumables dealers

4. Forum Flow
09:30-09:45 Digital technology - the future of printing
(Pu Jialing, Vice President of Beijing Institute of Graphic Arts)
09:45-10:00 Guest speeches
10:00-10:30 Application of inkjet technology in digital printing industry
(Qin Guosheng, Chairman of Zhengzhou Hongsam Digital Science and Technology Co., Ltd.)
10:30-11:00 Digital printing solutions
11:00-11:15 Tea break
11:15-11:45 Canon application in pre-press proofing (Canon China)
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 CGS Digital Proofing Control and Process (CGS)
13:30-14:00 Application of inkjet technology in pre-press proofing
14:00-14:15 Tea break
14:15-14:45 Application of Hongcai 6 water-based ink in the digital printing industry
14:45-15:15 How to solve the color matching problem between digital proofing and printed finished products
15:15-16:00 Live demonstration: Played CCTV "Innovation Unlimited" special report on HONGSAM water-based energy ink
16:00-16:20 Sharing experience in the successful application of inkjet technology in printing companies
16:20-16:50 Interactive time for questions and answers with prizes
16:50-17:00 Summary
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